Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Afternoon Mr. Mom - Day 8

Day Eight as Afternoon Mr. Mom

Uncle Nic and "Uncle" Kim are in town for a wedding so The boys spent the day up at Gran's visiting them that is until Tristan was helping Gran wash dishes. When he grabbed the "Insta Hot" water tap and burnt his arm. So off to the ER he and Tracy went to find out that he and a 2nd degree burn with a little 3rd in spots.

2 HOURS later...He was a big boy and let them clean it up and even said "it tickled" when they put ointment. Papa works at the hospital so he came down to say hi which made Tristan happy and Nanny came up to see him. When he left the ER, Tracy said he was saying thank you to everyone. He is always a trooper when he hurts himself.

When got home Tristan was excited to show me his bandage, he was proud of his ouchie. Tracy left for practice leaving just Tristan and I since Thatcher was still up at grans. He hadn't taken a nap so we laid down and we watched a movie till it was time to go back to Gran and Poppa's.

After relaxing we headed back up to Gran and Poppa's to eat dinner and have drinks

That was day 8 as Afternoon Mr. Mom

1 comment:

Tray said...

how does Poofer manage to get into every picture.