Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Afternoon Mr. Mom - Day 6

Day Six as Afternoon Mr. Mom

As a new week beings in this chance to spend more time with my boys and for Tracy to embark on a great opportunity to teach something she loves. I find myself quickly reflecting on the past week and all I experienced and I can't wait to see what each new day will bring.

Today was nothing like last week it was pretty much a flat day. Tristan was tired and didn't want to play, just complain and whine. Thatcher didn't want to be held, laid down, in his walker he just wanted to cry.

The one fun thing that went on was that Tristan was helping Thatcher learn to crawl by sitting on the ground and calling him like a dog, it was really funny. He also was crawling around saying "like this Thatcher, like this"

So today was one of those days you put your kids to bed and you go straight to the wine bottle. Tomorrow will be better!

That was day 6 as Afternoon Mr. Mom

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