Monday, March 8, 2010

Afternoon Mr. Mom - Weekend Edition

Weekend Edition as Afternoon Mr. Mom.

It's Saturday and Afternoon Dad @ Home continues. Today Tracy has a 12hr team building practice so it's me and the boys all day we'll keep it busy so it flies by.

After everyone was up we ate some breakfast, Thatcher ate more then I've ever seen him eat which was great the problem was he got super tired after the big breakfast an fell asleep on the TV room couch while I was getting Tristan ready for the day. While Thatcher slept Tristan and I put back together his repaired ATV, unfortunately we didn't have time for him to ride it before we needed to leave to go see cousin Gunnar play his last basketball game.

We pile in the van and head out to Woodburn, when we get there I'm met by cousins Nola and McKenna that were ready to help with Thatcher and Tristan. We get inside the Gym and I should have know I was in trouble when Tristan Eyes lit up and his screams "Babkit Ball". Dear Lord help me not have to chase him onto the court...Dear Lord you must have the day off!!! Tristan Loved cheering for Gunnar standing on the edge of the court yelling "Go Gunar". And Thatcher liked all the noise and people to watch and having Nola and McKenna hold him.

After the game Gunnar shared his gummy snack with Tristan while I fed Thatcher. We gave hugs said the congrats and goodbyes. We were walking outside and Tristan saw the playground equipment so we deiced to go play on them for awhile. He had a great time playing pirate, running on the bridge, going down the little slides and especially the big yellow slide. He looked so small compare to the slide but Tristan had no fear and trucked up the stairs and right down the slide he did it about 10 times till he got tired climbing the stairs, he would have done it all day if his legs could have.

He asked for me to carrying him to the van so pushing the stroller with one hand carrying Tristan in the other we walk around the entire school because there was no short cut to the parking lot. As we head home Thatcher is having a great time playing with his toys having a long in depth conversation with his dog teething toy and what ever was being said must have been funny because Thatcher sure was laughing. I just wish Tristan had something to laugh about. As we Wilsonville Tristan had a bad coughing attack and started throwing up on himself. At first it was just a little goop but then it turned into full on spewing all over the van him and his car seat. we pulled off at West Linn and I cleaned him up a little I have to love him because when I said I'm sorry you got sick he replied "thank you Daddy". With a smile on his face and puke on his shirt we get back on the road and make it home with no room incidents.

We get home I hose off Tristan throw on his sweats and send him out to play on his ATV which he did for about an hour. Thatcher and I started getting things ready for dinner and then sat down and had a bottle his with formula mine hops and barley. Tristan came in we watched a Scooby Doo movie and after that I fired up the wok and made some Yokisoba. Just as we were sitting down Tracy made it home the boys were very excited to see her, you could also she missed her boys. It was a great way to finish the day, sitting down as a family to have dinner.

That was Weekend Edition as Afternoon Mr. Mom

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