Thursday, March 4, 2010

Afternoon Mr. Mom - Day 3

Day three as Afternoon Mr. Mom. Its becoming old hat; leave work, run home grab Thatcher, drive to get Tristan from School, come home and play with the boys and cook dinner, then Tracy comes home at 6:30pm (more like 7pm).

Today it was nice outside so we played hard. We are working on his "motorcycle" which really is his ATV because he broke it ramming it into the side of the house. We get out the hose and started cleaning it off so we can get it into the garage. Thatcher wanted to come help clean the ATV, I tossed him into his walker. After it was all cleaned up I let Tristan play with the hose a bit while I took the ATV into the garage and when I come out all I hear is Tristan saying "Sorry Thatcher, Sorry Thatcher" with the OH SHIT look on his face. I'm gussing he wasn't paying attention and Thatcher snuck up behind him in his walker and when Tristan turned around he soaked the poor guy. Thatcher actually had a big smile on his face and it was good to see that Tristan knew it was bad to have squirted him with the hose. I'm sure that will change when they get older and it becomes a game.

That was about it for the day we went inside put on dry clothes and started dinner for Mommy and relaxed with a show. Before we eat and Tracy made it home.

That was day 3 as Afternoon Mr. Mom

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